Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Is Obama shifting towards the Center(I think not)

I don't know if anyone out there has ever had problems changing their image, but if you have, all hope is not lost.  As a matter of fact, we can look to our very own President Obama as a leader in this field (now I finally get the slogan 'change').  Only two years ago, Conservatives were screaming from the rooftops about how President Obama is a socialist.  Today, as columnists around the Country try to decipher the budget proposal, he is being regarded in an entirely new light...a CENTRIST.  If the most publicized and talked about man in America can change his image, this should certainly give all of you out there a lot of hope (I know Sarah Palin is his biggest disciple).  But I know what your wondering; how did he do it??

Well lets start with the most recent event, the budget proposal.  Basically, his Liberal allies are furious at what they are describing as a war on the poor.  And there is a lot of truth to this statement.  President Obama slashed the budgets of many of the programs that help lower income citizens throughout this Country.  Conservatives are also mad at him, as the budget in their opinion still has a lot of room to cut additional programs.  So whose left??  Only the Centrists, and they theoretically love President Obama's current proposal.  Its the best of every possible situation.  The budget claims to lower the deficit, yet amazingly enough it also does nothing to change the two biggest entitlement pograms, Medicaid and Social Security.  Obama promises the impossible to the American people, promising to both not limit the two programs while also slashing the budget.

Next, all one has to do is turn to any news channel to see that the Middle East is going up in flames.  In 2009 when protesters took to the streets in Iran to demand reforms, President Obama did little to nothing (A truly remarkable task for the most prominent person in the most prominent Country in the world (for all my liberal readers, yes America is the greatest Country in the World)).  Today, however, after at first firmly getting behind the Egyptian people's calls for Mubarak's resignation (a key partner and friend in the Middle East to America), he now realized that calling for a friends fall but not for an enemies is just not supported by most Americans.

I can go through many other 'reasons,' but that will take a long, long, long time because there are so many of them to turn to.

So has Obama's ideology actually shifted, or is he simply making a smart political move to what is now looking like a tough re-election campaign?  The phrase, 'a tiger does not change its stripes,'  readily comes to my mind.

Readers: What are your thoughts?

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